Mediterranean Monitoring Institute


  1. In the operational field constant monitoring will be carried out on the land in water, under the water and in the air with the help of ships, aircrafts, pilotless aircrafts, helicopters and satellites.
  2. With the help of electronic systems like AIS it will be possible to follow the operational sea burdening caused by ships in real time and in the whole operational area.
  3. Through inclusion of children and teenagers into our own educational centres these young people will be stimulated to a new environmental approach and culture.
  4. We have already established EmergenSea system that is designed to offer assistance at Sea and environmental control in order to pick up assignments in the field of search and rescue at sea. We cover the whole of the Adriatic Sea and part of Ionian Sea
  5. By using mass actions for the whole population and separate groups we will direct public attention to environmental problems and to the need for their improvement.
  6. The new approach will link together research efforts of various traditional disciplines with the fields of maritime and coastal research in order to establish a mutual way of treating complex maritime and coastal problems. Only constant monitoring and this new innovative approach to the way of leading and managing research operations in which a cooperation of the whole region is needed, can give the real picture not only of the present state and the influence of people but also changes of nature.
  7. Crises management and the search-and-rescue office.


In cooperation with different organisations we will organise once per year a cleaning action of the sea bed, coasts and rivers. For this occassion we will engage a large number of divers from the Mediterranean and other European countries.

Throughout the year the data about the most affected areas would be collected. At the time of mass cleaning action, not merely the divers but also civillians, would be asked for cooperation. This action would raise the environmental consciousness and stimulate the civillians to change their approach to the nature.

Activities in preparation

  1. Research project about underwater munition dumping – The Brioni Islands

    In the cooperation with the Zagreb Biotechnical Faculty and Ruder Boškovič Institute from Zagreb and Krško Regional Development Agency we have applied on a research project dealing with underwater munition dumping in front of the Brioni Islands. When approved, we will make out the land-register of this dumping and do research on how it affects the southern Istrian coast and the Trieste Bay (Programme IPA – Operational programme for across – border cooperation between Slovenia and Croatia 2007 – 2013 (OP), CCI number 2007 CB16 IPO 002).
    The duration of the project is 27 months.

Existing activities

  1. School centre expansion project and introduction of ecological workshops

    We are working on updating and modernisation of our educational centre. In the following 23 months we are planning to enlarge the capacity from the existing 32,000 nights per year to 55,000 nights, which means that we would host 4,900 children and teenagers per year.

  2. Servising and other repairworks of the scientific research ship Sirius, Kotor, The Republic of Montenegro.



Activities that Mediterranean Monitoring Institute is already carrying out:

Research project about underwater munition dumping – The Brioni Islands

School centre expansion project and introduction of ecological workshops

Servising and other repairworks of the scientific research ship Sirius, Kotor, The Republic of Montenegro

Our sponsors


Lambda group

Inštitut za evropsko pravo

Gorenjske lekarne